Conceive With Ease

A mind-body fertility coaching programĀ 


Join when you’re ready to take active steps

to support your best fertility.



Just for members…

The 2-Cycle Cleanse for Optimal Fertility kicks off April 24th!

Release fear and doubt,

simplify your approach,

embrace hope and joy!

Diid you miss the April 24th start date?Ā 

Not to worry, you can still join and watch any replays you missed.


The video above gives all the details on the 2-Cycle Cleanse.

Watch the full “Embrace Hope” series of videos which lays the foundation for this new project.

Focusing on hope and possibilities

If the road to motherhood has been stressful for you,

perhaps it’s time for a fresh look at your fertility.

There are so many aspects affecting fertility, and often major elements are overlooked.Ā  This program draws across many modalities to help you navigate the wide range of possibilities to consider on your fertility journey.Ā Ā 

Develop greater calm and clarity through powerful mind-body practices.

Empower yourselfĀ with the latest research-based fertility knowledge, to help you solve your fertility puzzle.Ā Ā 

Embrace healthy lifestyle habits that will serve not just your fertility but also your overall health and longevity.

ConnectĀ with like-minded women on a similar path.

Receive active coaching supportĀ from a psychologist who understands the fertility journey.

A whole person approach to fertility

(this isn’t just about a sperm and an egg)

Mind-Body Training for Greater Calm and Wisdom

Learn sophisticated but practical methods for maintaining emotional balance even under stressful circumstances. Lower stress is correlated with decreased time to get pregnant.

Integrative Fertility Assessment

Learn how to draw together data and consultations from providers as well as your own self-assessment, so that you can develop a personalized plan for your optimal fertility.Ā  Includes physical and psychological factors.

Healthy living for better egg quality and fertility

Learn about supplements, nutrition, exercise, red light therapy and more to support egg quality, fertility and overall health. Guidance is based on the latest research on health and fertility.

Face it, there’s a TON of information out there available at your fingertips these days.

We are drowning in information overload!Ā 

Are you stuck on the google search obsession train?


Natalie Masson, Ph.D. Fertility Coach

Would you like to have a caring, knowledgeable professional in your corner, curating the latest research and helping you find the most efficient pathway to getting pregnant?


You don’t have to figure this all out on your own.

Your Fertility Coach

Natalie Masson, Ph.D.

Hi, I’m Dr. Natalie Masson. I’m a clinical psychologist with a passion for helping women on their fertility journey, especially in their 40s.Ā  A few years back, I was there myself.

I learned a lot along the way about longing, obsession, determination, and eventually finding my wholeness.

After my own statistically improbable natural pregnancy at age 45 after two miscarriages, I decided to develop psychologically sophisticated resources to help others who may be on a similar path.

In the realm of psychology, I’m particularly interested in how the mind affects the body, and vice versa.Ā  In my psychotherapy work, I specialize in working anxiety, depression and trauma.

As a fertility coach, I have a nuanced understanding of how emotions can play into the the fertility process on so many levels.

Before I became a psychologist, I studied electrical engineering, and my strength was solving puzzles and understanding how systems work together.Ā  I bring this systems mindset into understanding the whole person, which is very useful in decoding one’s fertility puzzle.

As an empathic woman who has walked this path, I always have my eye on the whole person through a heart-centered lens.


Develop a foundation of inner calm

Mind-Body Core Practice Training

Whether you’re trying to conceive naturally or you’re seeking medical assistance, calming your nervous system can lead to better fertility outcomes.Ā 

Furthermore, when you are less stressed, you are better equipped to navigate your options and enjoy this very special time in your life.Ā  But it’s not that easy to “just relax” because you know it’s good for you.

I’ve developed a step-by-step program to teach you the Art of Ease: blending mindfulness, movement, breath awareness and somatic psychology.

I guide program members through a series of week-long trainings, spread across a few months, with breaks between each practice week.Ā  The time commitment is 20-30 minutes per day, and you can access any of the content at your own pace or follow along with the group.

The cumulative learning that happens during this training can have a profound effect not only on your fertility but on your lifelong ability to handle the variety of stressors of life, so that you can thrive through thick and thin.

Dial in your fertility strategy

In-Depth Fertility Courses

Access self-guided fertility courses at your own pace.Ā  Choose what’s most relevant to your needs.Ā  Content is based on current research and is presented in a mix of written text and video, with experiential activities mixed in.

The Fertility 101 Course teaches a methodical system for tracking your cycles that’s simple and expensive gadgets or setting alarms to take your temperature.


Natalie Masson, Ph.D. Fertility Coach

Learn tips and tricks for testing and tracking that save money, lower stress, build confidence, and can even detect issues that could be interfering with your ability to get pregnant.


The Integrative Fertility Assessment Course shows you how to collect your data across many realms and construct a customized plan for moving forward confidently.


Natalie Masson, Ph.D. Fertility Coach

Many people feel intimidated by this process and I break it down so that you can step through the process and come away feeling empowered.


The 90-Day Egg Nurturing Program teaches a framework for designing your custom program for improving egg quality and supporting overall fertility.Ā 


Natalie Masson, Ph.D. Fertility Coach

Egg quality is a significant factor in healthy pregnancy, especially over 35. I encourage women to think in terms of a 3-month window for implementing lifestyle changes to boost egg quality.


I want to help you beĀ smart and strategicĀ in developing your custom fertility program to optimize your chances of fulfilling your dreams.Ā 

I’m much more optimistic than the average medical doctor or fertility clinic in terms of conception with your own eggs in your 40s, partly because of my own experience and also because of the outcomes I see in my own fertility community.Ā 

Sometimes less is more, and other times there’s one more thing that’s needed.Ā  I help you develop your knowledge and intuition to make these choices.

Personalized Support

Coaching support when you need it

There’s a boat load of content inside the program for you to explore on your own. But sometimes you need to talk to another human who can hear your situation and offer input.

Post in our private community forum or attend fertility office hours sessions where we delve into the specifics of individual cases live on a zoom call, face-to-face.

Fertility office hours sessions are typically held twice monthly, alternating times to reach different time zones:Ā  Around 1pm Eastern on a weekday (usually Wednesday) which is evening in Europe, and around 8pm Eastern on a Friday, which is Saturday morning in Asia/Australia/New Zealand.Ā 

These are group sessions where you can ask questions, listen in and engage with other members.Ā  For privacy reasons, these sessions are not recorded.

You can thrive through challenges.

My Fertility Story

Fast approaching my 46thĀ birthday, longing to give my 3-yr-old daughter a sibling, I had been devastated by two back-to-back 9-week miscarriages.

It was confirmed that the issue was egg quality, and I understood this was very common at my age. My lab tests suggested I was essentially ā€œover the hill.ā€ (FSH as high as 33, AMH as low as 0.07)

Even though I was 100% certain at the time of each miscarriage that I was done, done, doneā€¦.I decided I would make one last attempt based on claims Iā€™d read that egg quality can be improved during the three months before ovulation.

I boldly decided to dedicate my next three months to doing everything I believed could make a difference in my egg quality.

I drew on everything I had learned and practiced as a psychologist dealing with health behavior and the mind-body connection. I did my best to honor whatever my body told me it needed when I listened inward to my deepest intuition.

After three months of intensive egg nurturing, it was time to roll the dice again.Ā  I knew my cycle timing well, and I did indeed get pregnant on that very next cycle.Ā 

But when you get pregnant after miscarriage, especially over age 40 when you know the stats, there are no capital letters inĀ “hurray.”

Instead there’s this thing I call ā€œthe 8 week wait,” which is the time between an early positive pregnancy test and the earliest date you can get genetic testing results from a blood test to tell you if your baby has healthy chromosomes.

Longest eight weeks OF MY LIFE.

I still remember waiting for the call from my doctor, somehow missing it, standing in my kitchen hands shaking, calling my voicemail and hearing him sayā€¦..ā€results are inā€¦.genetically normal.ā€

Lots of tears that day. Tears of joy, relief, amazement… and some bittersweet ones knowing that so many in my onlineĀ OVER 40 TTC community were still waiting and hoping for their happy news.

I made a promise to myself that if everything went well, I would return to help guide others in hopes of bringing the same joy to other mothers in waiting.

And I’ve kept my promise.Ā Ā 


A sisterhood of support

Wisdom Circle Community

There’s something beyond the information and the coaching I provide in my programs.Ā  Some members will say this is the MOST valuable aspect of their experience:Ā  the community of women who have come together sharing this dream of bringing a new being into their lives.

This is a supportive, compassionate sisterhood, free of the kinds of drama that often transpires in online fertility communities.Ā  (Been there!)

Our community has longevity, because we don’t graduate you out after you get pregnant or if you move on from this fertility quest for any reason.Ā 

The foundation of self-nourishment we’ve established is relevant through all stages, and you’re encouraged to continue in the community as long as it feels enriching.

Much of our engagement, especially our monthly mindfulness masterclasses, is relevant to those at any stage who are prioritizing health and wellness.

Ready to cultivate fertile energy?

If you’re ready to celebrate

your wholeness, trust your body

and move forward from a place of empowerment,

you’ve found a special garden

where you can thrive and blossom.


Conceive With Ease

$499 USD

initial enrollment

$25/month after first month

automatically billed; cancel any time


$75/month (USD)

automatically billed; cancel any time

(100 61 spots available at the $75/mo rate)

30-Day Money Back Guarantee



By enrolling in Conceive With Ease, you become a member of our Wisdom Circle which includes tracks for pregnancy and general wellness. Transition seamlessly to pregnancy or general wellness tracks as needed; no additional charges.

A buffet of options for enrichment and support

What’s Included?

There’s a wealth of resources here and you get to decide what’s helpful at any given time.Ā  Think of this like a buffet of options.

    General wellness:

    • Mind Body Core Practices for a foundation of emotional resilience. Carefully crafted 7-day trainings to help you learn a mind-body approach to emotional self-care.Ā Ā 
    • Live Monthly Mindfulness Masterclasses to take your learning deeper for mind-body wellness and longevity.Ā  Live meditations and other experiential activities.Ā Ā 

    Fertility-specific resources:

    • 90-Day Egg Nurturing ProgramĀ to guide you in creating your custom fertility program focused on boosting egg quality. Access at your own pace, as needed for your situation.
    • Integrative Fertility AssessmentĀ to guide you in exploring your specific fertility issues from a mind-body perspective, incorporating Eastern and Western approaches.Ā 
    • Fertility 101 CourseĀ to learn a low stress way to monitor your cycle, test for pregnancy and more.
    • Fertility office hoursĀ to address your individual concerns. Live group sessions 2x/month. Varying times for different time zones.Ā Ā 

      More fun resources!

      • Community forumĀ for connecting and sharing resources. A beautiful sisterhood
      • Mobile appĀ for easy access to audio meditations. Game changer for regular practice!
      • Archive of past live events:Ā  masterclasses and guest presentations
      • Inspiring Stories from our members are being collected through written stories and video interviews.
      • Pregnancy SupportĀ for those who get pregnant – includes meditations and dedicated forum chat rooms.

      Member Perks

      • 50% off 1:1 coaching sessions (Reg. $400/hr; $200/hr for members)
      • Early access to unreleased new meditations in the works
      • Free enrollment in all future Chill Out Retreat events

      In the palm of your hand…

      Mobile App for Easy Access

      Meditations and live event replays are accessible on your mobile device with just a few touches of your screen.

      Download content to listen offline. Set meditations to loop for auto replay. Set a sleep timer to turn the player off after a set length of time.

      “Game changer” was the most common description from members when this feature was added to the program!

      See the demo below, where I’m playing samples of a Nutrition for Fertility session, a Journaling Masterclass, and then a couple guided meditations.

      Members’ feedback…

      In their own words

      In November 2022, I asked members if they would like to share about their experience with others considering this program.

      Here are some unedited responses. šŸ„°

      I found the program trying to decide whether to start IVF or keep TTC naturally.Ā 

      I was not ready to decide, and enrolling gave me the comfort and reassurance that I’m not alone and that I’m doing my best, to conceive naturally or at least to be better prepared for IVF. I used other resources too, but I got a lot out of this supportive framework ā€” tons of knowledge and more resources than I had time to explore.Ā 

      In the end, we went with IVF, and succeed quite quickly for my age (43), and I know it was due to the good preparation that led to it.Ā 

      Now I’m 7 months pregnant, still using the meditations, exercises, and meetups that are offered here.Ā  It feels like home and I highly recommend it.

      This program has been a diametrical change in my way of feeling and facing the infertility process. It has helped me leave anxiety, fear and -above all- loneliness behind. It is very nice to belong to a community of fighting women who support each other to achieve a dream. Since i started my journey, Natalie’s voice has become the voice in my head that brings calm, positive thoughts and peace in the most complicated moments of each day.

      I guess the bottom line is to say that this program is essential to complement any fertility treatment, as mental health is overlooked by most doctors and this program mostly meets the needs of any woman dealing with infertility.Ā 

      Dear Natalie, although my little miracle has not yet arrived, I thank you for your commitment to this program and the many resources that you make available to improve our physical and mental health. I will always be grateful to you!

      The TTC Chill Outs and CWE have been life changing for me – all my life I have strived to control everything – my environment, my emotions, my thoughts.., and not accept and push out or change everything that I didn’t like.Ā 

      The mind-body practices thought me how to be present, to accept more and judge less. And most of all, I learned how to navigate my emotions – how to recognize them, be friends with the tough ones and transform them into fuel that moves me forward.Ā 

      I learned not to be so demanding of myself and the others, and to recognize better and focus on the important things instead of trying to win every battle.Ā 

      I learned that I am not alone in this journey and found immense comfort and support in this community.Ā 

      Thank you, Natalie! šŸ’•


      I joined April 2022 and could not be happier with joining and moving through this Mind-Body program. When I joined I was incredibly stressed, bad mood all of the time, and I did not realize how hyper focused I was in my thought process that has me kinda closed off from others even my partner. I felt isolatedā€¦not really aline or lonely, but isolated on this journey.Ā 

      Since starting this program I have noticed an incredible shift from in my Stress! I work in a school as a school counselor andĀ in April of last school year I was beat, I literally hated going to work and was having thoughts like ā€œ I donā€™t know if I can do this anymore ā€œ, or ā€œ I donā€™t want to go to workā€ the joy was not there and children bring me joy. I was 1.5 months into Conceive with Ease at the last few weeks of the School Year had noticed that feeling of dread was lifting, I had more energy and positivity in my conversations and work . I was also putting my Dog through Cancer treatment and my mood was staying even despite this heartbreaking process I was in with her. I noticed my BBT chart was looking more even and balanced through my cycles May/April. I ended up with COVID through the summer , but when the new school year started I was excited and felt so positive about the start of a new school year.Ā 

      I would say overall, my mood has improved for the better on most days, my stress management is undeniable better, I lean into practices when I need them and I think I intuitively crave this program. I have drifted away this last month some , but here I am again coming back to this valuable Mind-Body program that has been so helpful from the moment I started doing this for me šŸ’–

      I think an important thing to know is that there is something for you at any stage you are in. You might not know yet what you need this for and it can definitely be an evolving process, not the same day to day or week to week.

      Also,Ā Natalie has put together such an incredible amount of information that is already available to access when it works best for you and there are also the current and ongoing Masterclasses and Activities that allow for real time participation so connections can be made. Hope this Helps! I love this program, so Thankful I found it! šŸ’•

      Heartwarming announcements

      When you read others’ stories, sometimes it becomes more believable that this could happen for you.Ā  Here are a few of my favorite announcements from past members, who each continued successfully through pregnancy.

      We are pregnant, I just found out this past Monday. I took part in the 7 day retreat, and conceive with ease. My story is quite along one, and without getting really into it all. We had been trying for 5 years in total with a year off because my husband had chemotherapy, we are all healthy now and cancer free, thank god. This week has been surreal at times. Iā€™ve spent time with my parents to just stay grounded. I have an ultrasound next week, and really looking forward to seeing our baby. I would like to say to the ladies out there still trying to conceive. Stick with it and get your body to a place where you are relaxed, content and confident in your body.

      So this totally works! I just took a test today and confirmed that I am pregnant. I have only told my husband, two close friends, and my Chinese Medicine doctor, and now all of you! I think I am still in a bit of shock, and so I’m kind of hoping to use this as a way to bring myself to believe this is really happening.

      My story is we basically started TTC almost 3 years ago, in January of 2017. Nothing happened after a while. My OBGYN said to try for at least a year, no big deal. Still nothing. I did a bunch of tests, everything is fine = unexplained fertility. Midway through 2018 we tried Clomid for a couple of rounds and I reacted horribly and ended up with tons of ovarian cysts. Hurray!

      We basically were told that IUI or IVF were the next steps, and for some reason I just didn’t want to do it. I went back and forth a bit about what to do and eventually stumbled on the world of Traditional Chinese Medicine around Thanksgiving of last year. I read up on it a bit, found a doctor in my area, and made myself an appointment.

      By this point we were closing in on 2 years of actively TTC with zero results. Long story short-my TCM doctor hooked me up with specific herbs each month to regulate my body, I did a bit of acupuncture, and some light meditation when I remembered, and got pregnant 6 months after seeing him, so in May of this year. Unfortunately, I had a missed miscarriage in July.

      We started trying again in September, which is when I did the first Chill Out Challenge. I really jumped on board and have trying to fit some type of practice into most days now. Thank you, Natalie, for everything you put into these practices! You have definitely helped change my mindset and the way I look at the world! So now my goal is to stay calm, believe that this pregnancy is going to work and keep up with my daily practice! Good luck to all of you!!!!!!!!Ā 

      Hi ladies, I was a few days late so I decided to do a test yesterday and it was positive! šŸŽ€ It is still hard to believe and to be honest I have so many mixed feelings. I am already 44 so there really is hope! We have been TTC for almost 2 years and had 1 miscarriage April 2019.

      A few days ago I was actually quite happy and even prepared for my period thinking that my egg for the next round might be even more ready. I did do a lot of walking for many weeks already and I have been eating healthy fats and low carb. Recently I even removed some supplements as I felt it would probably be enough already. and I went to bed on time to spend 8-9 hours in bed.

      More important for me I think is the fact that I have learned to spend time on myself thanks to Natalie. Doing this program made me more aware and also I learned how important it is to be nurturing myself. Not only related to fertility but simply in general. I feel I am more kind to myself in general, listening more to what my body says. I did not drag myself out anymore to go walking when my body said “I am out of energy”.

      Applying the principles and doing the practices is something I want to continue doing. there is so much more to learn ! I am so grateful to have found this program and all of you lovely ladies. Besides this I listened a lot to affirmations and for me this is really helpful. Some affirmations really do stick and seem to influence how I look at things. For now…. so many mixed feelings and emotions! The miscarriage I had a year ago pops up in my mind. Now is the time to apply what I have learned and I say to myself “it is valid that you have fear, you have been through a loss. For now you don’t know what will happen. You simply don’t know”.

      I decided to approach myself as my best friend. What would I say to her and I said that to myself. Then I had to cry ( I even have to cry again when typing this) as it feels that I am acknowledging my feelings and yet I am having faith as I simply don’t know the outcome and remind myself of this. My brother told me “well just take it easy because first you have to make it to those 12 weeks”. At one point I felt angry as if he was denying my happiness and the outcome of the test. I said to him and to myself at the same time “you have to start somewhere and it all starts ‘visually’ with a positive outcome of a test so it is a big thing and then I move on and keep my fingers crossed”.

      I realize more and more how nice it feels if I can support myself. When I think about it I would have said the same thing if my best friend would be pregnant. You have to start somewhere…. So I am making progress, trying to let myself be. Not always easy and I am continuing in the program to learn more ! Thank you Natalie that you make this all available to us! I sincerely hope everyone’s wish may come true. Please keep your fingers crossed for me !!!! šŸ™

      I’m 15 weeks pregnant, and to be honest I sometimes still can’t believe it! Although I am starting to show a little bit… I have still not told all the people I want to (after 2 miscarriages) we (hubby and I) just went with keeping it to ourselves, having positive thoughts and praying. It has been a long journey but I definitely feel I speeded up when I found Natalie’s practices, and actually have been enrolled from the very beginning.

      Many factors contributed to this amazing result:

      1. Setting my mind to what I really wanted and set it a priority. It was difficult to leave my daily routine but again I would always bring to my mind what was important.

      2. Learning and slowly applying Natalie’s techniques to my daily moments, I keep using them because they are a great way to ease my body and mind (Mainly talking about managing stress here).

      3. Reading about all the things that weren’t actually helping my hubby and I to conceive. We all have very specific characteristics and routines.

      4. Owning my cycle! Yes, by temping I learned so much about my body that I literally know when it happened! And that is wonderful šŸ˜

      I think it’s about making your own path through Natalie’s and everyone in the group’s guidance and knowledge. And owning your journey. May every single one of you create your path and find what you are looking for, I always have all of you in my prayers.

      Frequently asked questions…

      What is the time commitment for this program?

      It’s very flexible. The daily practices in the MInd-Body Core Practice series require 20-30 minutes per day. We rotate through this series, one week on and one week off. You can follow with the group or go at your own pace. All the fertility course content you can access as it serves you. Spend as much or as little time as you wish.

      What if I get pregnant during this program?

      Often our members discover that pregnancy kicks up a new kind of anxiety.Ā  So support for pregnancy begins immediately.Ā  You’ll also find meditations for pregnancy and private chat spaces for members who are supporting each other through pregnancy. We also guests who have offered sessions for learning about birth preparation and postpartum care, and these sessions are recorded for replay.Ā Ā 

      How much will this increase my chances of conceiving?

      I wish I could give you statistics on this, but I don’t have that kind of data.Ā  Most of the women in my program are over age 40 and have been told they have a chance of less that 5% of conceiving.Ā  Not long ago, there were about a dozen members pregnant at the same time, out of a group of about 100.Ā  We were seeing two births a month in our community around that time, and these were all pregnancies with their own eggs.Ā  I consider that pretty awesome!

      If I were to just guess….I would predict that for those who join and really utilize the program tools, odds of a successful pregnancy go up quite a lot…4-5 times?Ā  That’s just me guessing though.Ā  I really feel that there’s a lot of fertile potential that is missed when people are just not aware of their options or don’t know how to make certain changes.

      This program helps fill those knowledge gaps and teaches valuable skills for aligning mind and body for optimal fertility.


      Is it realistic for me to hold hope that a healthy pregnancy would be possible given [my specific situation]?

      You’re asking someone who would have been given about a zero chance of having a healthy natural pregnancy based on my age (45) and my lab tests (AMH = 0.07 ng/mL). For me, I would rather hold hope and give it my best.
      It’s a very personal choice though, deciding when it’s time to start putting your energy in new directions, and the core principles of the program are designed to help you access your intuition and wisdom, and to find your wholeness no matter which path you end up taking.

      How old are program members? Will I fit in?

      Most members are around 38-48 years old.Ā  The average is probably about 42-43. All ages are welcome!Ā  There is no judgment about your age in this program.

      Will this work in my time zone?

      Most of the program is self-serve content that you can access at any time.Ā  There is a monthly masterclass that is usually held around 2pm Eastern Time on Saturdays, which is evening in Europe but middle of night in Australia.Ā  This event is recorded for replay, so you can still enjoy these if you can’t join live.Ā 


      The office hours sessions are not recorded, so they only help those who can attend live.Ā  They alternate between 1 or pm Eastern on a weekday (usually Wednesday) and 8pm Eastern on a Friday (which is Saturday morning in Australia).Ā 

      These times are subject to change.

      We have members all over the world who participate in the program.

      Is this program useful if I'm preparing for IUI or IVF?

      The tools I teach in this program can also help you develop healthy eggs prior to retrieval and can also help you stay calm through the IVF process which can also boost your odds of a successful cycle.
      Furthermore, everything you’ll be learning is also preparing you to get the most out natural cycles as well.

      If you’re preparing to use donor eggs or donor embryos, reducing stress can be important to support a successful transfer, too.

      We have members on all of these pathways in this program.


      Can I learn what you're teaching from free content online?

      You can learn all kinds of things online! In fact, that’s part of the problem – information overwhelm!
      I help narrow down what I feel is really most relevant so that you can simplify your whole process of accessing and integration information, and instead focus on doing what’s most important for your fertility.
      I do have a lot of content available free on my YouTube channel, however, I do not teach anything similar to myĀ Mind Body Core Practice SeriesĀ there.
      This is really the power foundation behind all my teachings, and it requires cumulative learning over time, which is something I cannot achieve in stand-alone videos on YouTube.
      The tools I’m teaching aren’t just for getting pregnant, they are for whatever stages come next. They can serve you for a lifetime. šŸ’•

      If I don't join at this time, when else can I join?

      Yes, the program is continuously open!Ā  The sooner you join, the sooner you can start making progress!

      I'm not sure I want to be immersed in fertility focused content. I've just completed the Chill Out Retreat and I'm feeling more relaxed now. I wonder if I should be focusing away from fertility. Is this the right program for me?

      You can think of the program in two tracks: fertility-specific content and general wellness support.
      The Mind Body Core Practices and the monthly mindfulness masterclasses are not specific to fertility and would be perfect to focus on if you want to take a breather from fertility focus.
      In addition there are in-depth fertility courses, which you can go through at your own pace, and there are monthly Fertility Office Hours sessions to support those going through fertility content. You can access those whenever they feel relevant to you.
      So you can be very focused on fertility or more focused on general wellness. It’s up to you.Ā  I would encourage you to join the program even if you’re feeling fine and relaxed right now, because there’s so much enriching activity going to help you grow and thrive.

      What if I discover this isn't a good fit for me at this time?

      Just let me know within 30 days and I’ll refund you the full amount.Ā  I only want you to stay if you are finding the program to be helpful for you!Ā  But please let me know if you’re having doubts or are struggling so that I can offer suggestions to get the most out of this experience.

      What about diversity and inclusiveness?

      My hope is that all can feel welcome and supported in this space.Ā  I do my best to listen and respond to feedback so that I can meet you where you are.Ā  Many participants are pursing parenthood without a partner.Ā  There’s diversity in partnerships and gender identity. I cannot guarantee that the language I use will fit every situation as there is so much variety. I encourage interpreting my teachings and messages in whatever way feels most helpful to you.Ā  I also encourage open feedback so that I can continue to evolve my programs to serve a diverse audience.

      Do I need to be on Facebook?

      None of this program is connected to social media. The a private community forum is on a platform called Circle, which is free from advertisements and social media distractions.

      I have learned so much from your programs already....should I wait to integrate all I've learned before I sign up before signing up for this next program?

      This program is designed to help you integrating what you’ve learned AND continue the process.Ā  Having the support now, as you move forward, will likely be the more efficient way to go, rather than trying to figure out the nuances on your own. Plus, it can be really nice to have a community of peers who are following a similar approach.

      Are there people you would advise NOT to join?

      If you don’t find the sound of my voice to be pleasant and soothing, you might not want to commit to a program that features my voice in all the mediations!

      If you aren’t likely to take initiative to engage in the program at least a few times a month, then I don’t think this is a good investment for you.

      Ā If you’re looking for a program that will make things happen for you without your own efforts, I don’t think I can help you there.


      If you’re looking for results yesterday, I can’t really offer that, but I can help you move quickly along a constructive path if you can slow down a bit and trust our process.
      If you’re inspired to invest in your deeper inner transformation to bring about your best fertility, then you’re in the right place!

      I’ll be honored if you choose

      Conceive With EaseĀ 

      to be part of your next chapter.Ā 

      More Questions?

      Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.  

      (c) 2023 Fertility From the Soul